The article under study presents an analysis of the colonial impacts on the post-colonial sub-continent in the light of the novel “Chalta Musafir” written by Altaf Fatima. The migrants of 1947 had to go through so many political and social problems. The novel has shown these impacts by depicting the life journey of Muslims of district Bihaar who migrated to East Pakistan during the partition of India. The research method used in the article is qualitative applying the technique of content analysis. Contents of the novel have been analyzed in the light of the impacts of the colonialism which resulted in the „loss of identity‟ to the Bihaari migrants. Muzammil (and his family) has lost all the factors of identity i.e. the land, the property and the country. He was an Indian Muslim first (till 1947); then a Pakistani at East Pakistan (till 1971), and then a Bihaari Muhajir at Bangla Desh (after 1971). He lost his life in this journey and his son is going through an unending struggle in search of regaining the identity.
In this research article, an attempt is made to present Altaf Hussain Hali as a letter writer in the history of Urdu Literature since he has already been an established Urdu poet, critic, biographer and prose-writer. In this research article, an analysis of Hali's skills of letter writings is presented and, in this way, it has been emphasized that he is a very significant personality not only due to his literary works but also his letters. Letters of Hali would not only add their quantitative strength but also serve as a new discovery and vital sources of research on him. This research article also reviews the importance of the meanings, criticism and research on Hali's letters. They point towards some very important aspects of Hali's personality besides illuminating Hali's biographical details.
Patriotism is the feeling of love, devotion, and a sense of attachment to a country or state. This attachment can be a combination of different feelings for things such as the language of one's homeland, and its ethnic, cultural, political, or historical aspects. Zameer jaffery is a poet of civilized ex
Novel “Habs” is a novel written by Hassan Manzar. The main character of the Novel is “Eric Sheron” the ever first defense minister and the Eleventh Prime Minister of Israel. He was named as Bulldozer for destroying and crushing Palestinian societies. He remained in coma for eight years. The novelist went into his unconscious and elaborated his feelings and thoughts through the psychoanalysis technique. He applied the same technique on other characters of the novel also for bringing forth their thoughts and feelings too. This novel exhibits well the inner being of its characters proving it as a piece of art. This article shed light on the writing skills of the novelist and psychoanalysis of the characters of the novel enacted by him.
Feminism is one of the lates thought which directly influence the literature all over the world. The basic theme of feminism is to eliminate gender discrimination and achieving (equal) in this article we throw the ligh on introduction of feminism and its effect on Balochistan Urdu poetry.The effects of feminism consciousness in female poets of Balochistan were studied.Balochistan women poets have through their potery ,not only expressd their imagination but also highlighted social,economic,and cultural challenges.Despite facing numerous problems,these poets have continued to contribute to the literary landscape,giving voice to the oppressed and marginalized.Their writings reflect the life of women as a blend of independence,self confidence and equality desite the hardships and injustices faced by women society inspiring hope for a better future.
Ezra Yasmeen interprets her feelings in very simple, easy, light and common language, easy and simple words. Her words are simple but very effective and charming. His poetry has smoothness and flow which makes his speech very effective which is easily understood by the reader. In the words of Ezra Yasmin, there is a combination of romantic sentiments and revolutionary ideas. In his poems, the soft and delicate nature of love, social injustice and class division are prominent. He is a powerful voice of Urdu poetry who has expressed his intellectual He has made a separate place in the world of poetry from an artistic point of view. His tone is not only romantic, but the balance and logic together makes his tone four moons.
The content explores Urdu's linguistic roots as an Indo-Aryan language connected to Hindi, Bengali, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, and Persian. It positions Urdu uniquely, influenced by both Arabic and Persian, proudly declaring it the "crown jewel of languages" with a distinct identity. The article attributes Urdu's evolution to political, religious, and economic factors, tracing its historical context back to the Arab-Muslim conquest in Sindh. It delves into the complexity of Urdu's formation, suggesting unpredictable origins and emphasizing its emergence with conquerors and Sufis arriving from mountainous regions. The narrative spans historical periods, highlighting the transformative impact of the 300-year Arab rule during the Umayyad era in Sindh. The content discusses geographical barriers, cultural interactions between linguistic families, and the literary promotion of Urdu during the Ghaznavid dynasty. The article concludes by affirming Urdu's deep-rooted connections to the historical, cultural, and linguistic landscape of the Indian subcontinent. Additionally, it summarizes the contributions of prominent figures like Sheikh Abdul Qadus Gangohi, Shams-ul-Ashaaq Shah Miran, and other Sufis in fostering cultural exchange change and the emergence of Urdu.
Allah Almighty has made the man the best creature and has made special arrangements for his training in all stages from birth to death. Most of the poetry of the poet of the Allama Muhammad Iqbal, is the curriculum prescribed by God Almighty for the Muslim Ummah. In short, in the eyes of Iqbal, man is not helpless and but he is the master of choice and the maker of destiny. In order to wake up the sleeping Muslim Ummah, Iqbal has paid full attention to beautifying the basic unit of the society, the individual, and shaping his character. The so-called evils of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity are naturally incapable of fighting against the human essence and force the human personality to suffer. As a result, these people do not give the true qualities of their personality a chance to emerge and flourish. There is a tradition in the inheritance of a person, and the tradition of Muslims is the complete tradition of Islam. For the believers of Islam, there is the light of guidance for the believers of the Qur'an and the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم. It will be revealed.
Dr. Sabir Kalorvi seminar highlighted the significance and utility of libraries from various perspectives. Libraries are vital centers of knowledge and civilization, preserving human history social development and cultural and religious heritage. The evolution of libraries from clay tablets to digital libraries symbolizes the continuity and advancement of knowledge. Libraries have played a prominent role in Islamic history especially during the Abbasid era when their number and influence grew exponentially. In the modern era libraries have become even more crucial due to advancements in technology enabling access to digital and virtual libraries. Students and researchers benefit significantly from these resources to fulfill their academic needs. Hazara University's Department of Urdu Library is a prominent example, housing rare books and manuscripts. Dr. Sabir Kalorvi personal library, now part of Hazara University Urdu Department, exemplifies his remarkable contributions to knowledge and literature. During his lifetime, Dr. Kalorvi amassed a treasure trove of rare and valuable books and dedicated it to future generations. His library stands as a timeless legacy of scholarship and a source of inspiration for research and intellectual growth. The seminar underscored the importance of libraries emphasizing that staying connected to books and libraries is essential for national progress and development.
Jamila Hashmi (1929-1988) is known as a great novelist in the field of Urdu literature. She had a great devotion for pen and paper. If we look at the literary achievements of Jamila Hashmi, it is very wide. She was a novelist and fiction writer at the same time. She wrote several novels, including a historical novel DASHT-E- SOS this novel was published in 1975.DASHT-E- SOS is based historically about the character of Hussain ibn Mansoor hallaj. Jamila Hashmi has divided this novel into three parts sada-e-saaz, naghma-e-shoq and zamzama-e-moth. The first part is about the beginning of the spiritual journey of Hussain ibn mansoor hallaj, the second part is the longest one it describes the story of evolution and culmination of his spiritual journey and in the part, Hussain ibn Mansoor hallaj accompanied by Death, beside this in this novel, Jamila Hashmi has best portrayed the political, social, moral and economic conditions of the tenth century Abbasid period era.