Authors:   Dr. Asma Aziz [1], Noor Ul Ain [2], Aisha Bibi [3], DOI: https://doi.org/10.37605/fahmiislam.v7i1.1


The practice of Seerah composing has prevailed from the classical period of Islamic history, and it has proceeded through the ages, to the contemporary world. With the passage of time developments and different circumstances occurred in the methodology and way of writing on the Seerah as well. Various insightful works to feature the various aspects of the Prophet's (PBUH) life have shown up in the past numerous decades. The reason for composing such sort of works is, principally, to show the significance of the Prophet's life for all occasions, and in conditions. Modern Seerah texts are profoundly impacted by the impressive historical currents that have formed the post-colonial Muslim world. In the 19th century, the Islamic world confronted the Western understanding of science. The mystical and metaphysical sides of prophethood and Prophet Muhammad as a major component of their prophetologies. Modern Urdu Seerah writer’s approaches depict thoughtprovoking modus towards nubuwwa (prophethood) in a highly rationalised climate. This paper examines discussions of the metaphysical dimension of Prophet Muhammad’s ascension, known as the mi'rāj in available Urdu literature.

Authors:   Muhammad Zaib Khan [1], Dr. Sardar Ali [2], DOI: https://doi.org/10.37605/fahmiislam.v7i1.2


This research paper tells us about the methodology “The introduction of Imam Abd ul-Wahab al-Sh’rani and his methodology in “al-Mizan al-Kubra” and how he created the scale “al-Mizan” for the division of juristic opinions in Regid and Concession. According to Imam al-Wahab al-Sh’rani, most Islamic injunctions come under these two categories but there are some cases which do not come under these two due to unified juristic opinion. Also, there are some problems with having more than two vies which results in the inclusion of one in rigidity and the other in concession. These two cases are related to only analogical problems, not to the principles of Islamic Shariah. The Mizan highlights that the views of all Muslim jurists on any problem are correct and the public has the right to adopt any one of them. The disagreement among some scholars is due to infidelity with the source from where they narrate the problem. According to al-Sh’rani based on their physical and religious conditions the people can also be divided into two categories Rigidity and Concession. A person who has the ability for rigidity cannot be allowed for concession but the reversed person is allowed to do so. In the end, we can say that the benefit of this Mizan is that it prevents every person not to negating jurists belonging to different fiqh. And hence to make every person a candidate for intercession on judgment day in front of Allah.

Authors:   Dur Muhammad [1], Dr. Muhammad Shamim Akhtar [2], Muhammad Saqib [3], DOI: https://doi.org/10.37605/fahmiislam.v7i1.3


This research review delves into the multifaceted religious and social services rendered by Governor Hazrat Sinan bin Salma (RA) in the historical context of Wadi Balochistan. The study aims to shed light on the significant impact of Hazrat Sinan bin Salma's leadership, particularly in the realms of religion and community welfare. It encompasses a comprehensive analysis of his life and accomplishments, offering insights into the dynamic interplay between religious devotion and societal betterment. Hazrat Sinan bin Salma (RA) emerged as a prominent figure in the annals of Islamic history, revered for his unwavering commitment to Islamic values and his tireless efforts to uplift the people of Wadi Baluchistan. His religious services encompassed the establishment of mosques, religious schools, and the dissemination of Islamic teachings. These initiatives not only fortified the spiritual fabric of the region but also nurtured a sense of unity and belonging among the populace. Furthermore, Hazrat Sinan bin Salma's (RA) social services extended beyond the confines of religion. He championed causes related to education, healthcare, and poverty alleviation. His administration implemented policies that promoted economic prosperity and social justice, resulting in a significant improvement in the quality of life for the residents of Wadi Balochistan. This research review utilizes historical texts, accounts, and scholarly analyses to construct a comprehensive narrative of Hazrat Sinan bin Salma's (RA) life and contributions. It highlights his enduring legacy, which continues to influence the region's religious and social landscape to this day. Hazrat Sinan bin Salma (RA) stands as a beacon of inspiration, exemplifying the harmonious coexistence of religious devotion and community service. This research review offers a glimpse into his remarkable life, emphasizing the profound impact he had on the religious and social milieu of Wadi Baloc

Authors:   Dr. Hafiz Ahmad Saeed Rana [1], Dr. Tahir Aslam [2], DOI: https://doi.org/10.37605/fahmiislam.v7i1.5


ʿAbd al-Ḥayy al-Urdanwī and his manuscript “Fatḥ al-Bayān Li Ḩuṣūl al-Naṣr Wa al-Fatḥ Wa al-Amān” represent a significant scholarly endeavor, delving into the realms of Sufism, Quranic exegesis, and Ottoman intellectual history. This manuscript, written in the 12th century Hijri, illuminates the scholarly rigor and spiritual depth of ʿAbd al-Ḥayy al-Urdanwī, a distinguished figure in the Geluti Sufi order. Born in Edirne and nurtured in a family renowned for its spiritual and scholarly contributions, ʿAbd al-Ḥayy was profoundly influenced by his father, ʿIbrāhīm Saajilī, and the broader Sufi teachings and practices of the Geluti tradition. His scholarly journey was marked by a deep engagement with Islamic sciences, leading to his authoritative role in the Geluti Sufi order. His manuscript, “Fatḥ al-Bayān,” serves as a testament to his scholarly and spiritual legacy, offering insights into the Quranic Surah al-Fath. The work encapsulates a blend of Quranic exegesis, spiritual reflections, and the sociopolitical milieu of the Ottoman era, aiming to bolster the morale and spiritual resolve of Muslims, especially during the military campaigns of Sultan Mustafa II. ʿAbd al-Ḥayy’s exegesis reveals his methodological adherence to the Hanafi school of thought, while also engaging with a wide array of Islamic scholarship. His work is characterized by a harmonious integration of Quranic exegesis, Hadith interpretations, and Sufi mysticism, reflecting a comprehensive approach to understanding and conveying the divine message. The scholarly value of “Fatḥ al-Bayān” extends beyond its immediate historical context, offering a window into the intellectual and spiritual landscape of the Ottoman Islamic scholarship. It stands as a monument to ʿAbd al-Ḥayy’s erudition, embodying the synthesis of rigorous Islamic scholarship and profound Sufi spirituality tha

Volume No. 07

Issue No. 01